The Gaze

Paginas: 229p.
Medidas: Largo 16.5cm, Alto 23cm, Ancho 1.6cm
Peso: 440g

This Narrated Story, supported by scientific and historic sources, deals with the authentic context of the moment of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This took place in a precise point in time: from the 9th to the 12th of December, 1531, in the Tepeyac hill, on the northern part of Mexico City. All that surrounds the Event is vital to comprehend its veracity and how it transcends time and space.

In this work, there are characters who have symbolic load as well as those who were historically present, as is the case of the first bishop of Mexico, fray Juan de Zumárraga, the humble Indian macehual Juan Diego Cuahtlatuatzin, the President of the First Audience, Nuño de Guzman, the prelate´s interpreter, Juan Gonzalez, etc. in.

The Gaze is not a fictionalized novel but a true Narrated Story. A narrative style has been chosen all throughout the text lest the reader does not assimilate the importance of the real Event.

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