Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Civilization of Love

Paginas: 236p.
Medidas: Largo 14cm, Alto 19.7cm, Ancho 2.5cm
Peso: 330g

In Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love, Carl Anderson ans Msgr. Eduardo Chávez trace the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe from the sixteenth century to the present and discuss how her message was and continues to be an important catalyst for religious and cultural transformation: Looking at Our Lady of Guadalupe as a model of the Crurch and Juan Diego as model for all Christians who seek to answer Christ´s call of conversion and witness, the authors explore the changing face of the Catholic Church in North, Central, and South America, and they show how Our Lady of Guadalupe´s message was not only historically significant, but also how it speaks to contemporary issues confronting the American continents and people today.

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